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India was not outperformed for millennia. It had ruled the world for millennia.

But India’s route to prosperity and economic status was no secret.

It was a simple case of playing by the rules. Not rules laid down by any king, emperor or saint. They were rules that were unwritten norms.They were rules that formed the core ethos of this civilization. They were the rules called Dharma, in local parlance.


Their adherence to Dharma made them follow 5 “T” principles in their day to day living as well as industrial and commercial practices.

5Ts stants for

They ensured that they followed their ancestor’s traditional practices which had proven to be successful and sustainable both commercially and environmentally.

They adopted the traditional practices with a good understanding of the science and technology in those traditions.

They followed the Indian principle of Artha which encouraged people to generate wealth as long as the wealth was generated using rightful means and was put to use in a rightful manner. Such wealth was called Artha, as Artha means “Means” – “Means” or “resources” to do something Meaningful.

Therefore, to generate this meaningful wealth, Artha, in a rightful manner, they chose to follow their ancestors in turn. They followed their ancestors’ small footprint, ecologically sustainable model for
development, but at the same time, ensured development of good networking and navigation /  transportation infrastructure, to collect the small amounts of produce from all across the hinterlands and to trade in large quantities, across the country and with far off lands.

They thus segregated skills as well as knowhow for manufacturing versus trading.

They preserved talent by making sure that this understanding and skill were nurtured and passed on from generation to generation, beautifully and dutifully as family vocations.

They upheld truth and integrity in all their actions and interactions. They did not violate trade privileges to over power and conquer their trading host civilizations or markets. Thus they ensured that they did goose that was steadily trading with them and laying the golden egg in return.

These 5 Ts were the bedrock for their sustained economic and cultural prosperity.

This gave them the ability to rise up again and again, even after being felled repeatedly, due to vicissitudes of time.

Live with Truth – The cosmic principles, Dharma.

Trade but not for greed.

Question and be innovative.

Understand and follow tradition.

Produce but sustain Nature.



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